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Gamma Paraguay

from Asuncion (ASU)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Belo Horizonte International (CNF)
GP 29 1234567 12:00 15:15 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 53 1234567 18:05 21:20 CRK Gamma Paraguay
to Bogota (BOG)
GP 61 1234567 00:10 04:08 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 69 1234567 06:10 10:08 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 65 1234567 12:10 16:08 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 75 1234567 18:10 22:08 CRK Gamma Paraguay
to Brasilia (BSB)
GP 3 1234567 06:00 08:56 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 33 1234567 12:00 15:09 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 57 1234567 18:00 20:56 CRK Gamma Paraguay
to Buenos Aires Aeroparque (AEP)
GP 9 1234567 06:00 08:40 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 39 1234567 12:05 14:45 CRK Gamma Paraguay
to Buenos Aires Ezeiza (EZE)
GP 7 1234567 00:00 02:42 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 37 1234567 06:05 08:47 CRK Gamma Paraguay
to Campinas (VCP)
GP 25 1234567 00:00 02:43 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 49 1234567 06:05 08:48 CRK Gamma Paraguay
to Curitiba (CWB)
GP 15 1234567 06:00 08:26 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 45 1234567 12:05 14:31 CRK Gamma Paraguay
to Cuzco (CUZ)
GP 79 1234567 12:10 13:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay
to Lima (LIM)
GP 67 1234567 00:15 02:43 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 73 1234567 06:10 08:38 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 63 1234567 12:15 14:43 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 71 1234567 18:10 20:38 CRK Gamma Paraguay
to Montevideo (MVD)
GP 27 1234567 06:00 08:43 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 51 1234567 12:05 14:48 CRK Gamma Paraguay
to Porto Alegre (POA)
GP 13 1234567 00:00 02:24 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 43 1234567 06:05 08:29 CRK Gamma Paraguay
to Quito (UIO)
GP 77 1234567 00:10 03:54 CRK Gamma Paraguay
to Rio de Janeiro International (GIG)
GP 59 1234567 00:15 03:26 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 5 1234567 12:15 15:26 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 35 1234567 18:15 21:26 CRK Gamma Paraguay
to Salvador (SSA)
GP 17 1234567 12:00 16:21 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 47 1234567 18:05 22:26 CRK Gamma Paraguay
to Santiago de Chile (SCL)
GP 11 1234567 12:00 14:18 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 41 1234567 18:00 20:18 CRK Gamma Paraguay
to Sao Paulo Congonhas (CGH)
GP 19 1234567 06:00 08:45 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 21 1234567 12:00 14:45 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 23 1234567 18:00 20:45 CRK Gamma Paraguay
to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU)
GP 1 1234567 00:00 02:47 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 31 1234567 06:05 08:52 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 55 1234567 12:05 14:52 CRK Gamma Paraguay
from Belo Horizonte International (CNF)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Asuncion (ASU)
GP 54 1234567 03:49 05:04 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 30 1234567 21:44 22:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay
from Bogota (BOG)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Asuncion (ASU)
GP 62 1234567 05:15 11:13 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 70 1234567 11:11 17:09 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 66 1234567 17:15 23:13 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 76 1234567 23:11 05:09 CRK Gamma Paraguay
from Brasilia (BSB)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Asuncion (ASU)
GP 4 1234567 10:04 11:13 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 34 1234567 16:10 17:13 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 58 1234567 22:17 23:13 CRK Gamma Paraguay
from Buenos Aires Aeroparque (AEP)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Asuncion (ASU)
GP 10 1234567 10:19 10:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 40 1234567 16:19 16:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay
from Buenos Aires Ezeiza (EZE)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Asuncion (ASU)
GP 8 1234567 04:17 04:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 38 1234567 10:22 11:04 CRK Gamma Paraguay
from Campinas (VCP)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Asuncion (ASU)
GP 26 1234567 04:16 04:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 50 1234567 10:21 11:04 CRK Gamma Paraguay
from Curitiba (CWB)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Asuncion (ASU)
GP 16 1234567 10:33 10:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 46 1234567 16:38 17:04 CRK Gamma Paraguay
from Cuzco (CUZ)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Asuncion (ASU)
GP 80 1234567 19:20 23:09 CRK Gamma Paraguay
from Lima (LIM)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Asuncion (ASU)
GP 72 1234567 00:41 05:09 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 68 1234567 06:41 11:09 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 74 1234567 12:41 17:09 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 64 1234567 18:41 23:09 CRK Gamma Paraguay
from Montevideo (MVD)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Asuncion (ASU)
GP 28 1234567 10:16 10:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 52 1234567 16:21 17:04 CRK Gamma Paraguay
from Porto Alegre (POA)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Asuncion (ASU)
GP 14 1234567 04:35 04:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 44 1234567 10:40 11:04 CRK Gamma Paraguay
from Quito (UIO)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Asuncion (ASU)
GP 78 1234567 05:25 11:09 CRK Gamma Paraguay
from Rio de Janeiro International (GIG)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Asuncion (ASU)
GP 36 1234567 03:48 04:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 60 1234567 09:53 11:04 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 6 1234567 21:48 22:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay
from Salvador (SSA)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Asuncion (ASU)
GP 48 1234567 02:43 05:04 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 18 1234567 20:38 22:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay
from Santiago de Chile (SCL)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Asuncion (ASU)
GP 42 1234567 02:46 05:04 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 12 1234567 20:41 22:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay
from Sao Paulo Congonhas (CGH)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Asuncion (ASU)
GP 20 1234567 10:14 10:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 22 1234567 16:14 16:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 24 1234567 22:14 22:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay
from Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Asuncion (ASU)
GP 2 1234567 04:12 04:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 32 1234567 10:12 10:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay
GP 56 1234567 16:12 16:59 CRK Gamma Paraguay